GROUP7 makes a successful start into the training season: 33 new trainees and dual students welcomed

The international logistics company GROUP7 has started the new training year with a strong start and welcomes a total of 33 new trainees and dual students at its nine locations in Munich, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf, Neuss, Bremen, Stuttgart, Nuremberg and Hanover. GROUP7 was once again able to fill all apprenticeship positions in five different professions as well as three dual study courses. In addition to industry-typical disciplines such as specialists für forwarding and logistics services and warehouse logistics specialist, the company also trains in the areas of office and marketing management or IT.
"It is a special moment every year when we welcome new talents," emphasizes Daniel Jocher, trainee manager at GROUP7. "Our goal is to promote our young talents in the best possible way and to offer them a solid basis for their professional development."

Successful recruiting concept
At a time when many apprenticeship positions remain unfilled and the shortage of skilled workers is a major challenge, GROUP7 relies on an innovative recruiting concept that is implemented with a high level of commitment and strategic commitment.
The central element is close cooperation with schools throughout Germany, which gives pupils the opportunity to get to know the company and its training opportunities at an early stage.
As a family-owned company with strong regional roots, GROUP7 is also involved in local communities to show young people the diverse career opportunities in the logistics industry.
The dual study programme is playing an increasingly important role in this, as it offers an optimal combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

Special highlights of the training
An outstanding event in the context of training at GROUP7 is the annual trainee event, where all new trainees and dual students from the various sites come together. This event not only promotes getting to know the company and the team of trainers, but also strengthens cohesion and identification with GROUP7.
In addition, the company offers trainees the opportunity to get involved in the trainee environmental team. Here, the young talents can actively contribute to environmental and climate protection, for example through projects such as the creation of flowering meadows or the construction of insect hotels.

Long-term prospects
The high retention rate at GROUP7 underlines the company's success in attracting young talents to the logistics industry and offering them long-term prospects.
Even during their training, junior staff benefit from extensive in-house training courses that strengthen their skills in various areas.
"We want our trainees to be able to develop individually in a dynamic and safe working environment," says Daniel Jocher. "GROUP7 is not only about training young people, but also about accompanying and supporting them on their professional path."
This underlines the company's confidence in the next generation and the attractive development opportunities it offers.